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Eat This Fat to Burn Fat

While most fats are considered to be "bad" for your health, there is however one that has proven ability to burn body fat.

Using coconut oil for weight loss

There is a type of fat which we have been told was evil for a very long time. Interestingly, new evidence is today painting a completely different picture of the health and weight loss benefits of this fat.

This fat has the ability to help you the most when it comes to weight as it is one of the best fat burners. It also improves your heart health while giving you long lasting and sustainable energy throughout the day.

Besides the above, this particular fat supports the adrenal glands and thyroid. It also has anti-fungal, antiviral, and antibacterial health-protecting properties.

Also, the cells of the body can make use of it for energy production without requiring insulin.

This fat belongs to a group of dietary fats known as saturated. As saturated fat it falls under the branch called medium chain triglycerides or MCTs.

Almost half of the saturated fat in coconut oil is a rare type of saturated fat called lauric acid. It is a medium chain triglyceride. Beside it, coconut oil also contains other MCTs like caprylic acid. These oils provide all the above benefits and a lot more.

There have been interesting observations when people trying to lose weight use these oils as replacements for some other fats in their diets. Most people that have done this have reported losing more fat and having increased amounts of energy.

Weight Loss Effects of MCTs

An effective way of using these oils in your diet for weight loss would be to include about 1-3 tablespoons of coconut oil per day in your meals. A very potent option would be to use about 1-3 tablespoons of MCT oil daily.

You can also try the "Bulletproof Coffee," which is coffee mixed with butter, MCT oil, and sometimes heavy cream. Using coffee with MCT oil can also help to increase ketone bodies in the bloodstream leading to increased fat burning.

The ketones that your body produces when you eat fats (especially fats coming from coconut oil or MCTs) are better for your brain. They have also been shown to help in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s.

Let's talk about the bulletproof coffee issue again. While the amount of fats in the beverage might seem like much, this fat is going to provide your body with energy that it will directly burn up. Your body never stores these fats.

How powerful is that? Imagine your body directly using the consumed MCT oils without storing them at all in your body?

This fat does not encourage your body to store fat. MCT oils are like superfuel for your cells, your metabolism, your bones, and also your brain. You can pay a visit to for more detailed information on how using MCT oils can become a surefire way for turning your body into the best fat burner you can ever imagine possible.

Usage Applications of MCTs

This should be an ideal replacement for less healthy fats such as vegetable oils in your diets.

Thinking of it, coconut oil and palm oil are ideal for cooking oil - definitely another benefit of these oils.

Coconut Oil Burns Fat as MCT Oil

You can also use coconut oil and MCT oils in your salad dressings whenever possible.

There are also suggestions that adding MCT in high doses multiple times a day, along with a ketogenic diet can help patients who suffer from memory loss.

A very simple step towards improving your overall health and reduce inflammation would be to replace your vegetable oils, olive oil, margarine, or cooking sprays with either coconut or palm oil.

Coconut oil is usually solid at room temperature. So, you might need to melt it if it is solidified. The unrefined coconut oil usually has a strong flavor by itself. Coconut oil also enriches the flavor of protein shakes as it provides a richer and creamier overall texture.

Make sure to opt for high quality virgin coconut oil - preferably organic but not essential.

Well, that is not bad for a fat that has been vilified for so many years!